Quality Assurance


Our quality assurance program is for customer facing businesses like Hotels, Banks, other customer service unit within organizations, etc. This is a well thought out program to help businesses consolidate on their areas of strength within their organization and remedy areas of weakness to improve the general outlook of their businesses’ brand growth and profitability in particular. This we do through mystery shopping to obtain very critical information for management decision making and improvement of service. A system has been designed where we visit a client’s facility for a night or two to pick up very vital information about the company personnel’s attitude and service delivery in the case of the hospitality institutions (both positive and negative) to help management improve on the weaknesses and consolidate on their strength to propel the business favorably for opportunities that may exist in their operated industry. We also use other approaches for similar engagements in other industries aside the hospitality.

This exercise is carried out by experienced personnel with requisite knowledge in the hospitality and the other industries.
We collaborate with internationally recognized quality assurance companies to conduct mystery shopping assignment locally for hotel brands in Ghana and the sub-region so we already have an in-depth experience in that regard which will be very beneficial to our business relationship.
All inspections are completed ‘under cover’; the inspector remains a ‘mystery guest’ for the entire end-to-end guest experience, starting with the initial telephone reservation call. We will usually stay overnight in the case of hotel quality assurance, consume a meal in the restaurant and drinks in the bar. During the stay we will take note of our findings and, where practical, take some photos as supporting evidence. After check out, we will announce ourselves as the mystery guest to the general manager (or most senior member of staff) and conduct a short debrief where we will both sign a completion form.
Lastly, we are expected to compile a completed filled questionnaire by the facility inspector(s) for a final report to the relevant authority of the hotel.

The key sections in the assessment include:

  • Recorded telephone reservation
  • Hotel Exterior
  • Check-in experience
  • Public areas
  • Bedroom
  • Bathroom
  • Bar
  • Evening dining
  • Breakfast
  • Check-out

A report is subsequently issued to cover all the sections enumerated above based on our primary data from the inspectors’ questionnaire.